CADMAN®-SDI incorporates a full-featured 3D CAD package, BricsCAD, to analyze the integrity of a part drawing, identify errors in part geometries, and fix the file.  

Hi, I'm Roman. Welcome to another session of Nailed It

Let’s have a look at how to repair badly drawn parts. So now we're in CADMAN-SDI, our smart drawing importer, and I have imported four different parts. Every line we see here is a different part. The status bars indicate if the parts are well drawn, if they are manufacturable, etc.

We can see for the top part that the manufacturability check and the drawing check have failed, so it's red. Then we can right-click on the part. Click edit and the part will open in BricsCAD. BricsCAD is a fully featured 3D CAD package, which is actually the motor of CADMAN-SDI. We see here on the left there is a wrong bend in the featured tree.

And if we look at the part, we can indeed see one of the bends doesn’t have a full radius so this is a problem in the geometry. To fix it, simply right-click, repair the feature and now we have a full radius on the bend. All we have to do now is save and CADMAN-SDI will re-verify the part. If all goes well now we should see the check turn green and then we can continue with the rest of the import. 

So in a couple of clicks we were able to repair a badly drawn part. That’s all for now, see you in the next session of Nailed It.